Saturday, February 17, 2018

European Presidency

The European Union is a group of nations in Europe that have joined together for mutual benefit.  The countries enjoy free trade amongst themselves.  Many of them have open borders to other EU countries, and a significant number even use the same currency (the Euro).  Bulgaria, along with our neighbor to the north Romania, joined the union on January 1, 2007.  We do not currently enjoy open borders with other EU countries, but we do enjoy many benefits from being in the Union.  For example, my wife and daughters can travel to any EU country without so much as a stamp in their passport.  They could even live and work in these countries with great ease.

Being in the Union also has another advantage.  The EU presidency of the Council of the EU rotates every 6 months.  If you are in the EU, eventually your country will host the presidency.  Hosting the presidency gives your country a chance to promote agenda items that your country values.  Currently, Bulgaria is hosting the presidency!

Most Bulgarians hardly notice that the presidency is here.  Those in Sofia might notice a bit more as there are occasionally more police guarding certain routes for diplomatic envoys to work their way through town, but largely life goes on uninterrupted.  The biggest change I have noticed around town is the presence of more flags.  The EU has 28 member states at the moment.  (Britain is working on leaving the Union, but as it currently stands they are still in.)  There are a few displays of all 28 flags along with the EU flag itself flying around the capital.

EU member states' flags

What will hosting the presidential council mean long term for Bulgaria?  Probably nothing too dramatic.  Still, it is great to have our time in the spotlight of European politics.

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