Saturday, November 6, 2010

Looking for a Home

Though we will not be in Bulgaria until January, we have already begun searching for a home.  True, we cannot actually view any possible houses our apartments from here, but we can do research on what neighborhoods will be the most strategic to live in.
Selecting a home is a very important decision for any family.  The home has to be affordable, in a neighborhood that suits the needs of the family, and if the family has kids, there is a whole new set of considerations.  In the case of families in ministry, the selection of a home is even more important.  Where we will will also largely be where we do ministry.  With all the factors to consider, it seems impossible that anyone could find the ideal location, which is why, as we do our research and seek the Lord's guidance, we ask you to please keep the search process in your prayers.  Please pray that God would direct us to the ideal home in the place He wants us to live.  Pray also that we would be receptive to His leading.

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