Sunday, June 14, 2015

Two Days to Takeoff

I'm writing this from our home in Oak Park Heights, Minnesota.  I am surrounded by boxes, plastic totes, and luggage.  We are packing up to move back to Bulgaria!

We fly out Tuesday morning to begin our next term in Sofia.  The plan is to spend another 4 years there before our next stateside assignment.

It has been a good year in America.  We visited several supporting churches and many friends.  We traveled from Split Rock Lighthouse in Minnesota to Houston, Texas.  We saw people we have not seen in years, and our girls learned what life in America is like first-hand.

Going back to Bulgaria is bitter sweet.  We all have mixed emotions about it.  We are sad to say good-bye to our friends here, but we are also happy to be going back to a country that is just as much our home as America.

I for one am excited to get back because it means that we wont have to move again for a while.  This is our 13th move in 14 years of marriage.  It will be nice to be in one place for a few years.

51 hours to takeoff!

1 comment:

  1. God speed! Praying that your return will be safe, healthy, and uneventful. You will be missed, but I will be excited to hear more "tales from the battlefront". I would also find it interesting to hear how the girls transition from American to Bulgarian culture. Blessings!
