Thursday, January 27, 2011

End of the Home Search

Our home search ended today with us making a deposit on a home about a mile away from the student village in Sofia.  We sign the lease on Saturday.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for this home for months.  We wanted a home that would be good for the girls, near the student village or in the center of Sofia, with a yard, at a price we could afford.  All of this would appear to be more than anyone could ask for, but we know that nothing is impossible for God.

This home is about a mile away from the student village in a developing neighborhood.  It has a yard big enough for a swing set which the girls will love.  It is also big enough to host ministry events and meetings.  In fact there is a very nice room in the basement which I have already claimed as my office, and I have visions of making a neighboring room into a meeting/event room where we can have gatherings, planning sessions, Bible studies, and much much more.  As far as ministry houses go, we could not do much better.

It is right about at the top of our price range, and we are hoping that the dollar gets a little stronger so that our rent will go down slightly.  (Our salary comes in dollars, and we will pay our rent either in Euros or Leva depending on what the owners prefer, so if the dollar gets stronger, we have a relatively lower rent as our budget stretches a little further.)  Still, we have paid higher in the past for other homes.  God always has provided for both our family and ministry needs, and it looks as if He had done it again through this home.

The girls are very excited to settle in in Sofia.  For that matter, we all are!

Thanks for your prayers!


  1. Be sure to make a "mother-in-law" apartment!
    Seriously, we are amazed, once again by our awesome God who provides every need!
    ~ Mom
