Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shepherd's Salad

Dave and I got to go on a data last night while my sister watched our girls.  I was beating myself up for not bringing my camera because I really wanted to take a picture of the salads we ordered.  But afterwards I googled it and found a picture of it and the actual recipe on  on  Eva's blog
I don't know Eva but I really liked her recipe and photo so I thought I would share it with everyone.  She has a lot of awesome recipes but they are all in Bulgarian :)
so I thought I would share it with you.  This is a typical Bulgarian salad that you can get in almost any restaurant here and it's especially popular in the summer.  I've also translated the recipe for you.

Here is the recipe in Bulgarian and English:

Продукти за 4 порции:
300 гр домати
150 гр краставица
300 гр печени чушки
връзка пресен лук
150 гр мариновани гъби
150 гр сирене
150 гр шунка, филе
150 гр кашкавал
4 твърдо сварени яйца
3 с.л.растително масло
1/2 връзка магданоз
оцет и сол на вкус
маслини за украса

Начин на приготвяне:
Отцедете гъбите от маринатата, нарежете магданоза на дребно, шунката - на кубчета.
Измитите зеленчуци се нарязват, прибавят се магданоза, гъбите и шунката.
Сместа се разбърква леко, подправя се на вкус с оцет и сол, полива се с растителното масло.
Изсипва се в чиния, оформя се като купчинка и се поръсва с настърганите сирене и кашкавал.
Салатата се украсява с нарязани яйца, маслини и магданоз. 
Incredients for 4 servings
300 gr. Tomatoes (about 2 tomatoes)
150 gr. Cucumber (1 cucumber)
300 gr. Rosted peppers (peeled) .  You can also use fresh peppers which you don’t need to peel but it tastes better with roasted peppers.
1 bunch Fresh green onions
150 gr. Marinated mushrooms
150 gr. Feta cheese
150 gr. Chopped ham
150gr. Yellow cheese
4 hard- boiled eggs
3 table spoons vegetable oil.  Olive oil works great too.
½ bunch fresh parsley
Salt and vinegar to taste
Olives to decorate
Way to prepare:  Drain the mushrooms from the marinade; chop the parsley and the ham.   Chop the rest of the vegetables and place in a mixing bowl, add the ham, parsley and mushrooms. Stir the mix and add salt and vinegar to taste.  Pour the vegetable oil on top.   Place in a serving platter and grate the feta and yellow cheese on top.  Decorate with the chopped eggs, olives and parsley.


  1. Sasha, this looks tasty! I think we will have a Bulgaria Day and try it! Do you know where we can find more Bulgarian recipes in English?

    1. You might have the answer by now, but I just dropped in looking for this recipe. Try googling Peace Corps Bulgarian Cookbook. Its paper predecessor was invaluable to my wife and me when we lived there around 2002, before everything was available online. It has lots of great recipes!
