Monday, August 29, 2011

That Time of the Month

God's word tells us to not be anxious about anything but to bring our requests to God with thanksgiving, and the peace that transcends understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).  I know this in my head, yet every month the same thing happens.

You see, Sasha and I live on the donations of others to our ministry.  Our salary, our work, our health insurance, they are all covered by the faithful donations of others.  I guess in a way, we are all dependent on others for our well being.  Whether you are a construction worker or a wealthy inventor of an online social network, your financial well being is provided by others purchasing what you have to offer.  In our case however, that truth is seen more clearly as we are not selling anything for a living but rather giving what we have to offer free of charge.  We are allowed to live this way because of a faithful support team that makes donations every month or quarter or year to keep us fed and clothed.  One month of low giving can significantly alter our financial condition.

So far we have been provided for without fail.  Our salary has gone up and down (currently it is down), yet we have always had food and clothing.  Still, when the end of the month comes I find myself concerned (because "worried" is not a very spiritual word) that perhaps the funds wont come in to cover expenses.

That is where we are now.  With only two days left in the month we are over $2000 away from meeting our minimum needs.  If the funds don't come in our salary will likely have to be cut again.  It is hard not to be anxious in times like this, yet we trusts God that whatever happens, He will provide.  He always does.

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